Theo likes to look at things from a different perspective. That's how to spark creativity and keep your outlook fresh. In their everyday work, designers, architects and artists are constantly in contact with the literal version of ‘perspective’ or ‘representing depth in a painting or drawing’. By drawing an object on paper in perspective, you can create an illusion of volume. Theo interpreted a drawing of a pair of glasses quite literally, added a whiff of magic, and voilà, the latest eye-witness collection was born. An optical illusion like nothing you've ever seen before.
Eye-witness is theo's playground. For both designer and wearer. Anything goes, no rules, no preconceived notions. That's why they are not always the easiest frames to make, or to wear. It often starts with a long design process followed by an even longer production process. But that's the whole challenge: defining and pushing the boundaries. And that's exactly what the 5 new eye-witness models do.
3D in 2D Our brains can be tricked to perceive a 2D drawing as a volume. We're doing the same thing in this eye-witness series. Instead of giving the frames a certain thickness, the volume is created by simply outlining the front and back of the frames in lines, without ‘coloring it in’. Just like in a perspective drawing.
Colors The 2 contour lines are always in different colors. Theo combines a basic color with its shadow color. This results in a usually subtle, but occasionally intense contrast. Each model is available in 8 color combos.
Insight ‘Sight’ happens automatically, but ‘insight’ takes effort. Eye-witness should never be too straightforward. After all, eye-witness wearers don't exactly live their lives on automatic pilot.